Changeons Propos / Let's change the subject
Music of the XVI century / electro-acoustic
Music from the Renaissance recounts these changes through the whimsical songs of Nicolas Gombert, the passionate madrigals of Luca Marenzio and Romero, the airy frottole of Tromboncino and the faithful villancicos of Francisco Guerrero. Contemporary creation shapes and extends these moods in this programme for female voices, viola de gambas, flute and lute.
The music is elaborated and modified, creating an environment of sounds in counterpoint overlaid by humanist texts, the whole performed in a bewitching chiaroscuro. The counterpoint and the linear purity of Renaissance music are preserved in the compositions written for the ensemble in the contemporary idiom of Sirah Martínez Alvarez.
Acoustic, mixed and electroacoustic music are all part of this poetic atmosphere devised by Mariana Delgadillo Espinoza and written by Sirah Martinez Alvarez, composer in residence at Le Grame for this project.
With its springtime moods, sparkles of sound and playful sound effects, this show holds the mirror up to nature and the feelings of a woman. Both experiment with a broad palette of emotions and landscapes; ranging from the cold heartache of love, to a fresh and naive spirituality, the fragile optimism of spring and the midsummer madness of fleeting love affairs.