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The Alkymia Ensemble


Mariana Delgadillo Espinoza

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Sublimating the essences of ancient music and contemporary creation and weaving together what is most precious in them until creating a suspended moment, outside of time: such is the quest of the Alkymia Ensemble. From this alchemy a new texture is born, arousing fascination as much through reverie and wonder as through destabilization and rupture.


Because rather than a superposition between ancient and modern, a precise requirement is given to each composer that we associate with our programs: their compositions must be part of the transmutation, rereading or deconstruction of the ancient works that they will encounter.

Thus voices and ancient instruments surpass their primary functions thanks to different processes: sound diffusion, motion capture, transformation of sound in real time.


Even more: staging, role plays, improvisation, wandering in the audience, spatialization... are systematically implemented in order to carry as far as possible an interpretation that is as sincere as it is embodied.


Founded in 2014, the Ensemble is made up of professional artists passionate about research, experimentation and the aesthetics they defend. Selected at the beginning by the Cité de la Voix de Vézelay and the CNSMD of Lyon for the creation of its first festival, Alkymia has been working since 2016 to revalorize the manuscripts from the ABNB musical collection and carries out educational and cultural actions in France and Bolivia. The Alkymia Ensemble is supported by DRAC AURA, Spedidam, Adami, Musique Nouvelle en Liberté and the Ministry of Cultures of Bolivia.​

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